Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Belt Maintenance Is Your Friend!

When you buy a car, the dealership will let you know that you should come in for a check-up after a certain number of miles. While they totally believe in the quality of their product, they also know from experience that things need to be checked now and again to avoid major problems from forming.  The same goes for your conveyor belt. Nothing is worse than having a belt break in the middle of an important order. The lost time, money, and production will drive anyone to frustration (if not out of business). Though there is no magic bullet that lets you avoid mishaps completely, there is one way to limit them. At Furnace Belt, we believe that if you are consistent in performing belt maintenance through regular inspections and audits, your belts will last longer and run smoother. With that in mind, we put together the top five things to consider when doing belt maintenance:

1. Make sure your belt was made for your exact specifications. Don’t overshoot and try to get something too heavy for your needs. Belts have specific loading capacities and they must be respected.
2. Choose the proper alloy for the temperatures or application. For example, if you’re running at 2,000 degrees, you would use 314 stainless steel in building your belt; as opposed to using more standard galvanized steel. You can always ask one of our experts for help in finding the perfect belt for the appropriate temperature.
3. Keep up on the maintenance of the furnace itself. If your furnace is not running at the correct temperature, it will not only affect belt life, but your product quality as well.
4. Flip the belt from time to time. Give one side a rest in favor of the other. It’s a process that’s a little like rotating your crops in a field to insure overall health
5. Make sure that everything’s running true and straight.  Otherwise, your belt might be torn and if you process food that could mean disaster.

If you follow these steps, we believe you can not only maintain the life of your belt, but also ensure the safety of your workers and save money all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. I've had problems with belts on several different machines I've used. I just don't seem to have good luck with belting. Does anyone know of some more reliable furnace belts? Thanks.
